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Real Estate means property and the fixed assets on it. Buying and selling of home, land, property.
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Real Estate means property and the fixed assets on it. Buying and selling of home, land, property.
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Real Estate means property and the fixed assets on it. Buying and selling of home, land, property.
15 years of experience.
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3606 Highway 98 APT 106
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Las Gardenias 20, Puerto
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MH Grand Hotel – Ometepec
$ 5,500 / Per Month
San Charbel, Sunset Beach
$ 5,000 / Per Month
La Casa de la Tlayuda
$ 1,550 / Per Month
Hotel y Villas Vento
$ 6,100,000 1,722 / Per Sqft
15 years of experience.

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Real Estate means property and the fixed assets on it. Buying and selling of home, land, property.
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